**, Adam's New Year Follow Up ... **

Published: Wed, 01/04/12

You are being sent this e-mail because you joined our mailing list or downloaded one of our free gifts - if you want to unsubscribe you can do so easily by clicking the link at the bottom of this e-mail message.
Dear , 
I have got some news for you.   I don't want you to miss out on this - so please take a couple of minutes to read.
When you think back to last New Year- just stop and ponder for a moment what you set out to do then -  hmmm -  did you achieve what you set out to do? 
In order to make changes - you need to take ACTION.  Those that take action stand a good chance of making progress in any self-improvement endeavours - whereas those that just dream and think about things will be where they are today or possibly worse off in a years time - (after all you will be one year older then). 
Successful people take ACTION and that is the main difference between them and the rest of mankind.  The thing that controls quite how much action and what action is with you always - right there within you - Your  MIND and more importantly your MINDSET.
Adam has spent all his adult life developing strategies and products based around hypnosis and NLP to help anyone who wants to get control of, and develop a healthy mindset.
And so at this important time of year for taking stock of your health, fitness and mental attitudes I am keen to make Adam's audios as widely available as possible and affordable in the given financial climate.
Here is my BIG NEW YEAR TIP.
If you haven't already done so take a look at the EBook I sent just before Christmas written by Bob Collier (I have copied the message below if you missed it and attached the pdf again)
At the end of the Ebook you will find a coupon code which you can use in our store through the link in the book. 
We have already heavily discounted some of the audios but with the coupon code you will be able to half the price again.  
There is one product featured in our store which normally costs
£27.77 (approx $43 USD) which is available just now
for just £4
(approx $6 USD) -
BUT ALSO using the EBook coupon code

you can buy it for just £2
(approx $3 USD)
it is sure to help you with taking ACTION this year.
These prices will not last long so take advantage and treat yourself to the help you deserve.
I wish you all a blessed and prosperous New Year and I am willing you to make the changes that you will look back next year on with pride.
Kindest Regards Keith

Dear ,
Here is a wonderful gift I am able to give you as a thank you for being on our mailing list.  
I am absolutely delighted to tell you that I have received permission from Bob Collier (who has been on our mailing list for some years now) to give you, as a fellow reader of 'Adam Up', an advance copy of his Book which is being published and sold on Kindle shortly.

The book is entitled "How To Use Hypnosis Effectively" and is attached to this e-mail.

Bob is out there in the sun in Canberra, Australia and this is what he has to say about himself and this book.

I've been fascinated by "personal development" and "self-improvement" for more than thirty years and if you knew me thirty years ago and met me now it would be obvious to you that I've had good results from my interest.
I'm not a hypnotist or a hypnotherapist. I don't produce hypnosis MP3s and I don't supply them. I'm a satisfied customer. This gives me a unique perspective. My guide to understanding and maximizing the benefits of hypnosis MP3s is the product of years of interest in hypnosis as an 'end user', including research and trialing downloadable hypnosis recordings and programs from more than forty different hypnotists and hypnotherapists.
There is even a BONUS OFFER at the end his book which I hope you will take advantage of.

A big thank you to Bob.

Don't miss all the other news in the latest Adam Up

Kindest Regards,

Keith Watson
PS: I welcome you Skypeing me when you see that I am online to answer any questions about our products and services. I can even take your orders direct and will make sure that any coupon code discounts are applied. My Skype ID is keithaw2k1