** - Penetrate Your Brain And ENHANCE Your MEMORY With Self-Hypnosis...

Published: Thu, 07/12/12

   July #2, 2012                                       Newsletter Issue: #351

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and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up, 

Following last weekend's merriment and jubilation on my hypnotherapy diploma and our School Annual Dinner / Dance, we filmed the afternoon lecture on using hypnotherapy to overcome anger issues.

The footage has now been added to our Platinum Members area.

If you are a Platinum Member, do go and watch the fresh material we have added to the existing 60+ hours of footage in there.

Anger lecture by Adam Eason
Therapists - If You Are Not A Platinum Member...

If you are not a current Platinum member, then go and investigate what you get as a platinum member as it is a full-on hypnotherapy training course!
Information about Platinum Membership


Our FREE Hypnosis Hub is buzzing and thriving after its first two weeks, do come and join the community and learn more: adamshypnosishub.com

Hypnosis Hub Forum
Enhancing Your Memory

We are cracking on with our theme of memory enhancement. Today is a gentle process and rather ambiguous one, there is little technique other than allowing your mind to create change in your own perception of yourself and belief in your memory and I have had a lot of anecdotal and subjective reports of the success with this technique in advancing our memory and recall.

This technique has no real strategy other than enhancing belief and sensation that the brain is developing its memory, which in turn affects your behaviour, thoughts and attitude. When you believe in your memory, it is very likely it'll work more effectively.

Adam Eason online store
Six Steps To Penetrate Your Brain And Advance Your Memory With Self-Hypnosis:


Induce hypnosis...

You can do so by any means you desire or know of.

You can use the process in my self-hypnosis book, use the free audio at this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you simply open the door of your mind:

Using eye fixation for self-hypnosis:

The Betty Erickson Self-Hypnosis Method video clip:

Using Magnetic Hands for Self-Hypnosis:

Once you have induced hypnosis, move on to step two >>


Imagine yourself in a place in nature. It can be a favourite place, or a place you create, a place you imagine or someone you have actually been to. Engage with this place by noticing the sounds; those that are near and far, sounds from yourself too. Notice the sights, the colours, the details, the shades of light and enjoy feeling safe, secure and at peace in this place.

Create this environment and enjoy being in this place.

Tell yourself that engaging with this place continues to deepen your hypnosis.

When you have really engaged in this place, move on to the next step.


Now imagine a coloured beam of light coming from the sky. Perhaps from beyond the clouds, or from beyond the sky, notice it emerging from way beyond your furthest level of perception.  Let the light be a colour that you associate with memory enhancement and a healthy mind. It is a beam of light that moves closer and closer towards you and it is unusual to notice such a thing happening.  This is hypnotic time you are in and so you watch the beam of light travelling toward you.

Observe the light and get a real sense of it as it beams all the way to your forehead. As you imagine it getting closer to your forehead, notice the sensation as you anticipate it arriving and touching your forehead.

Then feel that unusual light beaming in through your forehead and into your brain. Get a sense of it covering the surface of your brain at first, then soaking in to the deepest depths of every part of your brain. Get a sense of and imagine a soothing, enhancing sensation moving and spreading through your mind and your brain, like it is connecting with the millions of synapses in your brain, enlivening them.

As this happens, continue to tell yourself that you are going deeper, and then when you have developed a notable sensation of some kind, move on to the next step.


Spend some time now imagining the light is improving blood flow to the brain. You can feel oxygen enriched blood moving through, if you focus deeply, you may even detect its sound and movement.

As that happens, imagine the circulation speeding up in the brain and all those connections in the brain becoming more efficient and effective in all the right ways that get your brain improving the memory function.

Tune in and really let happen whatever you imagine needs to happen for you to believe your memory and brain functioning is improving. Interpret this in your own creative way and enjoy the process.

Take all the time necessary to notice and feel convinced of the changes occurring in your brain, then move on to the next step.


Build your belief now. Let the sensations become undeniably convincing that your memory is being advanced and enhanced.

When you are sure you can sense that some real benefit has happened to your memory functioning, start to think about the things that are going to be different in your life from now on. Perhaps think of some areas of your life that are going to benefit from this advancement of your memory, and even imagine watching yourself in a particular scenario in your life when your memory is serving you incredibly effectively.

Once you have spent enough time doing this, move on to the final step.


Exit hypnosis.  Take a good, deep, energising breath, wiggle your fingers and toes and open your eyes.

Practice this process repeatedly and enjoy that sensation, then start to notice how your behaviour and thoughts are affected by knowing your memory is improving.

As with so many of these self-hypnosis processes, you'll benefit from repeating the session. Enjoy that, I'll be back with more soon.
Self Hypnosis Seminars
Joke of the week:

A man walks into a bookshop and says "I hope you don't have a book on reverse psychology."


I really laughed at that, very funny indeed.

We do have a group dedicated to jokes and funnies in the new hypnosis hub, so come and read the stuff that goes on there. 
Hypnosis For Running Blog
Articles Of The Week:

Here are a selection of articles that I enjoyed reading this week related to the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and other forms of personal development. Some may have just amused me or made me smile. If you ever come across any related articles that you think may feature well, then get in touch with me and we can share them here: 

If you encounter anything or have written anything yourself that you think my readers would enjoy, then get in touch and we may well feature it here. 

Hypnosis Hub Forum
Adam's Notices:

Do come and join us in the new Hypnosis Hub, if you are a professional in the field, you'll get more business using this forum, if you are curious the hypnosis field, you'll learn more, if you are s tudent of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, you'll support and resources... Debate, discuss, support, learn, observe and celebrate all things hypnosis at adamshypnosishub.com

If you fancy joining myself and our little band of Jedi Runners for a 10 mile challenge later this year, then have a read of this entry at my Hypnosis For RUnning BloG: read here for more information:


If you want to train to be a hypnotherapist, there has never been a better time, we are thriving in this economic climate!

If you'd like to train, check out here for a course prospectus, dates and application form for this year's diploma, fully approved and accredited in several countries...

The spaces are going at some pace right now though...

My training school is one of a few in the UK to currently offer the externally verified HPD (Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma) which matches government occupational standards and is the equivalent of National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 4.

Learn Self-Hypnosis! We have new dates for my self-hypnosis one day seminar . They also carry with them Continued Professional Development (CPD) credits with the GHR and NCH here in the UK if you are a member of either. The seminars have been fully booked up this year and we are offering these extra dates in response to popular demand. Go and visit the self-hypnosis seminar page on the website.

Please remember to tell friends, family, colleagues and anyone else you know how they can receive Adam Up each week and let them know that they get a free hypnosis session, a five day personal development course and a 50,000 word eBook 'The Happy Brain Manual', when they register from my homepage.

If you are on Twitter, I publish some absolute gold material if you are interested in the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis, do come and follow me: http://twitter.com/adameason

Do come and join us in the members area 
if you wish to learn more, I mean much more about the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and self-hypnosisThere's over 60 hours of video footage, even more audio material, hundreds of articles to read, and lots of free eBooks too. You get massive savings on all my audio programmes in there too. .

Our Platinum Section is revamped and relaunched and now has many hours of training and tuition video from my diploma course, go have a read about it.

I'll be back next week...

In the meantime, enjoy creating your own memory bank ... 

I thank you for reading...

Goodbye for now.  

Train As A Clinical Hypnotherapist Qualifiers from 10 month course
A few of the qualifiers from the
10 Month Course recently completed