** - What on Earth is Adam Talking About? Sounds a Bit like Gobble-Dee-Gook...

Published: Thu, 06/07/12

   June #1, 2012                                       Newsletter Issue: #346

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Hello and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up, 

For those of us in the UK, it has been a week of much Royal jubilation and we have had a double Bank Holiday and I am just getting myself re-organised accordingly.

Next week I'll be offering up some new recordings for helping overcome unwanted habits, however, this week we have a Jubilee / Summer Special 60% discount offer on everything in our store, so go and make the most of it.
Seminar In London Tomorrow Friday 8th June

You could still join Adam and James (see advert below) for their seminar if you can make it to London tomorrow.  Get in touch with us right away today if you want to be there.  More Information
Rapid Inductions Adam Eason online store
Installing Aversive Sensitivity To Your Habit Using Self-Hypnosise

Continuing to look at ways and means of dealing with unwanted habits as our theme this month, I am now turning to the often-maligned notion of aversion.

You may well be thinking -
"What on earth is Adam talking about? Sounds a bit like gobble-dee-gook..."

Let me explain my jargonized theme for this week before we get into the process...

When I was 17 years old, I was incredibly naughty and used to go to a local bar on the outskirts of Basingstoke, where my friends and I used to play pool, act like grown-ups and drink beer! *gasp of disapproval*

Beer was a new thing to me at that stage and I remember thinking to myself as we stood around glugging pints of it "why do we drink this stuff, it tastes horrible" but of course I'd never say so publicly.

On one particular occasion, I had drunk a few pints and at the end of the night just as they rang for last orders, someone suggested we have a 'pernod and black' (the black referred to blackcurrant) as our 'one for the road.' I drank mine down at the same time as eating a bag of dry roasted peanuts and we started the walk home.

As soon as I stepped out into the cold, the excess alcohol hit me. My head was spinning and however much I tried to stop it, I couldn't.

Whilst in a neighbouring park, I threw up. I threw up a lot. It was awful. My eyeballs felt as if they were popping out of my head, my stomach and chest felt as if they were on fire, and my head still did not stop spinning. I threw up when I got home, I threw up some more in the morning and had a terrible time of it. I got severely reprimanded by my parents and the only thing that my mind seemed to cling on to... Was the taste and absolute disgusting idea of pernod and black.

Of course, rationally, I know I was ill because of drinking too much before then. But I could only taste and think of pernod and black... To this day I have never drunk it again. It makes me shudder even now to think of it.

Maybe you had a similar experience when you were forced to eat brussel sprouts with your dinner as a child and as a result still detest them today (I love brussel sprouts by the way) or had a tummy bug and the thing you ate prior to it got associated with being ill...

I knew a man who could not use a particular brand of deodorant because he associated the smell with a terrible flu bug he got!

In many hypnotherapy consulting rooms today, when clients seek assistance with stopping smoking, sometimes to stop them smoking in the initial stages, the hypnotherapist conducts an 'aversion' session that associates cigarettes with all the things that client dislikes or is disgusted by the most... So that they are repulsed each time they put a cigarette anywhere near their mouth. This helps control the behaviour in the early stages while the habit gets worked on at a deeper level.

Aversion can work in a number of ways, we have all experienced it when we have had unwanted or unpleasant experiences that we are reminded of at particular times.

In todays self-hypnosis process, we are going to use the notion of aversion for our own gain to help overcome habits. We are going to use a stimulus that makes us cringe, a stimulus that we have a high level of sensitivity towards and use that stimulus to help us let go of unwanted habits.

That is what I mean when I use the term aversive sensitivity...

Let me show you how we use this...

Recap: Questions We Asked Last Week
Prior to starting this process, you need to have a good awareness of the exact procedure of the habit that you go through.

You can do this by asking yourself the same questions we asked in last week's edition of Adam Up.

I'll repeat them here:

Before we begin with the actual process itself then, firstly, get sat down somewhere that you'll be undisturbed, I recommend you write down the answers to this exploration in order that you get an accurate account and it'll help you when it comes to repeating this process. It is a process that requires plenty of repetition.

1. Just become aware of the habit itself.

Write down and describe what it is that you actually do - what is your unwanted habit?

With that written down, now heighten your awareness of the habit even more and make a note of how you do it, by that I mean the actual physical process of doing the habit, how is it done?
Think about how often it happens - you might guess or even count it by how many times you do it an hour or a day...
I mean, do you spend half the day with your finger up your nose?

2. What sort of situations does the habit occur in?

With that awareness of the actual habit enhanced, now we want to establish what sorts of situations the habit occurs in.
So write down and describe the circumstances when the habit typically occurs.
Note down any common element of the habit, such as whether there are other people with you, or if you are engaged in a particular activity or if it happens at certain events. 
What situation is it that the habit typically happens in?

Now we are going to go a little bit deeper into you; the vehicle of the habit.

3. How does that habit make you feel?

When the habit happens:
  • How do you feel?
  • What is the actual physical sensation you have when you do the habit?
  • Whereabouts in your body are those feelings?
  • Do you have an emotional feeling?
  • Are there any accompanying emotions that go with the habit?
Write this stuff down and we carry on now to look at your cognitions.

4. What are your thoughts?

 When you engage in the habit, what happens inside your head? What thoughts, ideas, or beliefs happen? What is your internal dialogue before, during and after the habit?

Armed with that information, you now proceed to step one and we'll  get on with the process.

Steps To The Aversive Process:


Induce hypnosis...

You can do so by any means you desire or know of.

You can use the process in my self-hypnosis book, use the free audio at this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you simply open the door of your mind:

Using eye fixation for self-hypnosis:

The Betty Erickson Self-Hypnosis Method video clip:

Using Magnetic Hands for Self-Hypnosis:

Once you have induced hypnosis, move on to step two >>


Start to imagine that you have been out in the sunshine without sun cream during the day and having got home there is an area of your body that has some heat emanating from it and is coloured red and hot to the touch.

Just become aware of that sensation in that area upon your skin, imagine it.

Now imagine that someone touches it by mistake and notice how that sensation crawls through the surrounding area of your body, is signaled in your brain and the level of heighten sensitivity gives you goosebumps and a slight pain and you hold your body a certain way to compensate.

Really get a real life sensation of what that is like in your mind and when you notice yourself feeling that sensitivity, then imagine the word CRINGE in a bright neon colour flashing inside your mind.

Repeat this process a couple of times; developing an acute and very real sensation of sensitivity following too much nprotected exposure to the sun, noticing the dryness, the tightness and way you breathe just thinking about someone or something touching it and when you imagine something touching that sunburn, as soon as you notice the discomfort and sensitized feeling, flash the word CRINGE inside your mind in real bright colours.

Add an alarming hooter sound or an unpleasant alarm noise of some kind to it when it flashes up and imagine the word cringe being spoken inside your head.

When you think that you have really installed the word cringe as a way of accessing that hyper sensitivity, then move on to the next step.


Now imagine being in the place where the habit used to typically happen. See the sights, hear the sounds, notice how you feel and behave. Really take your time to create the scene and put yourself in it. Really be in that scene, a target situation where the habit used to typically occur.

Start to notice the thoughts, feelings and behaviours happening that in the past led to the habit. Walk through the old process and as soon as you notice the early signs of the habit starting, the word CRINGE flashes into your head, you feel the searing sensitivity on your skin, you hear the word loudly in your mind with the alarm and you stop with the habit and move totally differently.  

Notice as soon as the habit starts, the word 'cringe' pops into your mind and you find yourself engulfed in that same sensitivity and slight discomfort. It consumes you and gets worse until you stop with the old habit.

When you have run through that scenario in detail, then move on to the next step.


Repeat step three another 3-5 times and each time make sure you get the association between the old habit and the word CRINGE and that uncomfortable sensitivity all lodged in your mind. So that it starts to happen in real-life scenarios too.

When you have repeated that 3-5 times, then move on to the next step.


Imagine a future time now, a moment in your future and see yourself in that situation and notice the scenario and circumstances that used to cause the old habit to happen, but this time you are in control and there is no sign of the habit happening.

If the thoughts start or the old habit behaviour begins at all, you notice the word 'cringe' springs into your mind along with its accompanying dominant feelings and sensations and you naturally stop the old behaviour and as soon as you stop, the sensitive sensation dissipates.

Run through this future scenario in detail, then move on to the final step


Exit hypnosis and bring this session to an end with a deep energizing breath, wiggle your fingers and toes and open your eyes.

You may even find this type of process goes perfectly well with the process in the previous edition of Adam Up if you used it.

Anyhow, use it to let go of unwanted habits and I wish you a wonderful happy remainder of the day.

Self Hypnosis Seminars
Joke of the week:

In line with the Royal Celebrations, I got sent through a list of Prince Phillip's famous politically incorrect public gaffes, some of which were too blue for this ezine I have to say.

Here are the ones we could use:

Prince Phillip's quotes and gaffes (Also known as the 'Consort's Clangers'..)

"Everybody was saying we must have more leisure. Now they are complaining they are unemployed.."
(1981 A comment during the UK's recession)

"You must be out of your minds.." 
(1982 To Solomon Islanders, on being told that their population growth was 5% a year)

"Aren't most of you descended from pirates?.." 
(To a Cayman Islander)

"You were playing your instruments weren't you?, or do you have tape recorders under your seats?.."
(2002 To a school band in Cairns, Australia)

"If you travel as much as we do you appreciate how much more comfortable aircraft have become. Unless you travel in something called economy class, which sounds ghastly.." 
(2002 Commenting during the Gold Jubilee tour)

 "The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop tourism we could stop the congestion.." 
(2002 Commenting on the London traffic debate, after mayor Ken Livingstone forced through his plan to charge motorists £5 to enter the city)
"French cooking's all very well, but they can't do a decent English breakfast.." 
(Summer 2002 Aboard the floating restaurant 'Il Punto' on the river Orwell in Ipswich, after thoroughly enjoying an excellent full English breakfast - Il Punto is owned by Frenchman Regis Crepy..)

"You'll have to lose a bit of weight first.." 
(2003 visiting a school, asking a tubby little boy what he wanted to be when he grows up, and being told, 'an astronaut')

I only laugh because if I didn't, I'd cry...

With so much emphasis placed on being PC in modern society, Prince Phillip really missed it all...

Thank you everyone who sends me the jokes each week, they really brighten my days.
Hypnosis In The News And Articles of Note:

Each week, I will point out if hypnosis has been in the news at all, and highlight some of my favourite articles that may also interest you if you are interested in the fields of hypnosis, therapy or self-hypnosis, or things that just made me laugh greatly. Get in touch if you spot anything that you think is worth reading or an article that you wrote that you fancy sharing with readers of this ezine:
If you encounter anything or have written anything yourself that you think my readers would enjoy, then get in touch and we may well feature it here.

How To Use Hypnosis Effectively
Adam's Notices:
Having now completed my five marathons in six weeks, my focus is turning to other running events. If you'd like to join the team of Jedi Runners taking on the challenge of this year's Great South Run 10 mile road race, then I can help you do it, read here for more information:

If you go to my facebook fan page  you can get a free hypnosis programme just by clicking a button.

You'll notice in the seminars and training section of the website, I have added a page about networking events for hypnotherapists. Our next peer support group has a world renowned speaker, and we have a date for our next fun-filled Hypnosis Geek Dinner, both of which are virtually free to attend. So do go and have a good look at that page if you are a hypnotherapist or have an interest in the field of hypnosis.

If you want to train to be a hypnotherapist, there has never been a better time, we are thriving in this economic climate!
If you'd like to train, check out here for a course prospectus, dates and application form for this year's diploma, fully approved and accredited in several countries...

The spaces are going at some pace right now though...

My training school is one of a few in the UK to currently offer the externally verified HPD (Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma) which matches government occupational standards and is the equivalent of National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 4.

Learn Self-Hypnosis! We have new dates for my self-hypnosis one day seminar. They also carry with them Continued Professional Development (CPD) credits with the GHR and NCH here in the UK if you are a member of either. The seminars have been fully booked up this year and we are offering these extra dates in response to popular demand. Go and visit the self-hypnosis seminar page on the website.

Please remember to tell friends, family, colleagues and anyone else you know how they can receive Adam Up each week and let them know that they get a free hypnosis session, a five day personal development course and a 50,000 word eBook 'The Happy Brain Manual' , when they register from my homepage.

If you are on Twitter, I publish some absolute gold material if you are interested in the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis, do come and follow me: http://twitter.com/adameason

Do come and join us in the members area if you wish to discuss any element of this week's Adam Up or the usual subjects of hypnosis, self-hypnosis and much more. There's over 60 hours of free audio material, hundreds of articles to read, and lots of free eBooks too. You get massive savings on all my audio programmes in there too.

Our Platinum Section is revamped and relaunched and now has many hours of training and tuition video from my diploma course, go have a read about it.

I'll be back next week ....  In the meantime, enjoy getting aversive this week...   I thank you for reading ....  Goodbye for now.

Train As A Clinical Hypnotherapist Qualifiers from 10 month course
A few of the qualifiers from the
10 Month Course recently completed