** - An Exclusive Reason To Open Adam Up This Week... Don't Miss This!!

Published: Thu, 05/24/12

   May #4, 2012                                       Newsletter Issue: #344
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Use Hypnosis To Quiet The Mind And Drift To Sleep

and welcome to this week's edition of Adam Up,

As we herald in the sunshine here in the UK, we also finish off with our monthly theme of using self-hypnosis skills to enhance sleep, todays process is a means of lulling to sleep when your mind won't shut up. We'll move on to a new topic next week.

Remember too, this is the last week to be able to get the newly launched series of
sleep hypnosis audio sessions,  for a greatly reduced fee; if you want to have all of this months techniques applied to you by me, then go and grab them for the very low price they are at currently.

Better Sleep Theme for May
We have busy minds often, especially if we have a high octane life or are encountering a lot of issues, so having a strategy to deal with that is incredibly useful.

I would hasten to add though that such a technique, or any of those previously mentioned, may well be rendered impotent when in competition with stimulants such as high dosage of caffeine in the system or if you have a lot of exercise hormones (such as cortisol) in the system because you exercised rigourously late in the day.

If your restlessness is caused by your minds activity alone, then this is going to work a treat...
Calming Your Minds Activity:


Induce hypnosis...

You can do so by any means you desire or know of.

You can use the process in my self-hypnosis book, use the free audio at this website to practice or have a look at the following articles as and when you need them; they are basic processes to help you simply open the door of your mind:

Using eye fixation for self-hypnosis:

The Betty Erickson Self-Hypnosis Method video clip:

Using Magnetic Hands for Self-Hypnosis:

Once you have induced hypnosis, move on to step two >>


Now engage your imagination and imagine that you are on the highest floor of a big, bustling and busy office block in a city centre. Notice the view outside of the window of all the other office buildings, and you can see traffic everywhere and people bustling here and there.

Here in the office, things are also bustling. There is a deadline of some kind looming, and as a result, there are many office workers milling around at speed, others rushing at their desks, people are shouting into phones, making speedy photocopies, phones are ringing constantly. It is tough to try and keep up with all the movement, noise and activity in this office.

Many people look flustered. Many have looks of anguish and uneasiness on their faces. No-one is smiling. Some people argue and exhale loudly. Some are pushing past others as they move around the open plan area that does not seem to be big enough for all these people. More people seem to arrive and add to the busy-ness and noise and it is hard to focus or concentrate at all.

You notice that it feels hot and humid up here too.

Engage in this scene, see the sights, colours, shades of light and hear the incessant sounds, noises and distractions happening everywhere, perhaps making you feel agitated. As soon as you notice a slight sense of discomfort with the scene, then move on to the next step.


Noting that you feel that slight discomfort at the scene before you, you choose to head for the staircase and get out of here.

As you open the doors to the staircase, you notice that there are even people rushing up and down these stairs and looking pained and frustrated. The levels of frustration appear to have spilled out and the people walking around here are doing so quickly and without consideration.  

You choose to take the stairs downwards to the next floor...

Each step that you take takes you deeper down inside of your mind.

As you arrive at the next floor of the office building, it is with a sense of relief as you notice that the office space here seems to be 50% as congested. There are less people and as a result, there is less of a sense of anguish. A few people from upstairs do still move at pace and exit again, but it is far more comfortable than where you were previously.

Maybe it is because this is a different department, maybe they are not on the same deadline as the people upstairs, but you notice the distinct difference of pace and volume of people but there is still some overlap from the frantic atmosphere above, the offices are related after all.

Once you have engaged and noticed all around you on this floor, once you have spotted the notable differences between here and upstairs, you move on to the next step.


You decide to head for the stairs again, leaving this still busy place and it's ill-feeling behind you.  As you step out of the doors, you notice that this staircase downwards is not nearly as congested or as busy as the previous one.

Each step you take down the stairs takes you deeper inside your mind, all the time going deeper down inside the building and deeper into your mind.

As you arrive in the next open plan office, you notice that this one is distinctly calmer. There are leather seats and waiting areas, less work spaces and many of the fewer workers here are relaxed back in their chairs and you can only see a few workers around the place. They all seem to smiling and there is a noticeable lack of noise. There are pictures on the wall and plants that are healthy and thriving here.

This makes you smile and breath a lot easier, it is refreshing and enjoyable to be here. There are fewer windows and these ones look out across quieter areas. The temperature here is cooler and more soothing.

Enjoy this place, engage with it, notice all you can see, hear and feel and then when you notice how different it is, move on to the next step.


You decide to head for the stairs again, leaving this still busy place and it's ill-feeling behind you.  As you step out of the doors, you notice that this staircase downwards is not nearly as congested or as busy as the previous one.

Each step you take down the stairs takes you deeper inside your mind, all the time going deeper down inside the building and deeper into your mind.

As you arrive in the next open plan office, you notice that this one is distinctly calmer. There are leather seats and waiting areas, less work spaces and many of the fewer workers here are relaxed back in their chairs and you can only see a few workers around the place. They all seem to smiling and there is a noticeable lack of noise. There are pictures on the wall and plants that are healthy and thriving here.

This makes you smile and breath a lot easier, it is refreshing and enjoyable to be here. There are fewer windows and these ones look out across quieter areas. The temperature here is cooler and more soothing.

Enjoy this place, engage with it, notice all you can see, hear and feel and then when you notice how different it is, move on to the next step.


You step out of the doors again, and head down the stairs. You are now so relaxed that the non-populated staircase seems to be moving beneath your feet. You keep moving down a number of flights of stairs, enjoying the serenity and calmness. You lose track of how many flights you seem to float effortlessly down... All the time you drift deeper down inside your mind with every step you take.

Until you reach the bottom floor. The stairs end and you can barely nelieve you travelled so deep to this seemingly silent part of the building.

There is no-one else around at all... You open the doors to see a number of quiet, dark, sumptuous sleeping pods that you have heard so many modern office blocks have these days. Clearly, no-one else is using any of them at the moment.

You lazily and casually stroll to whatever booth you find to be the most inviting and look in.... It is lit in the perfect fashion. It has the colours, aroma, feel and sound of the perfect place for you to relax... Let your mind create the single most relaxing enjoyable space for you to relax and let go. As you look upon it, when you have it perfectly in your mind, move on to the next step.


You step inside this relaxing area and just fall onto the bed, languishing and surrendering yourself to it.

The door locks quietly behind you. You lay on the bed. You loosen your clothing and kick off your shoes and put your feet up.

You stretch out on the bed, it is the most comfortable bed, it supports you and your body in the ways that you enjoy the most. It is made of the material you like and has clean, fresh sheets and covers on it. You tuck yourself in and snuggle up as the lights soften further almost as if they respond to your eyelids closing....

As you lie on the bed, a deep comfort that seems to fill every pore of your entire body... relaxing you... calming you... lulling you into a deep and relaxing sleep... a deep, sound, beautiful sleep...the bed seems to mould and melt itself to the exact contours of your body and you feel as if you are settling a little deeper into it and as you sleep, your mind dreams about the most enjoyable times in your life, happy times and you are filled with a deep satisfaction and the dreams gently dissipate and you drift into a deep, non-dreaming sleep.

You start to feel parts of your body relaxing even more and the bed begins to gently sway very subtly in time with your breathing.

Sensations of relaxation start to spread through your body, relaxing and softening each muscle of your body.

The relaxation is warming, softening, loosening so that as long as you hold on to this quality of relaxation, every muscle of your body becomes loose, limp and dormant.... It almost feels as if your muscles are melting into the bed and you can feel gravity only keeping you on the bed


Now you simply drift off and away...
(there is no step to exit hypnosis, as you now drift off to sleep!)

Consider yourself lulled!


Rapid Inductions
Keith Celebrates 20 Years!
Keith and his Team look after the Technical and Marketing side of Adam's Hypnotherapy Business

20 years, ago in May 1992 I was working out in Oman as a Nursing Officer.

I was helping to commission a new University Hospital in Muscat Oman Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, and my wife was working as a sister on the children's ward there.

But something else happened in May of that year...

I put up my first website.

It was a long, slow process uploading using a 14K (very slow) modem onto an American server via a very poor telephone line. In fact, I remember it took me nearly all night to load just a few pages and a few photos. Loading this website absolutely changed my life and came about totally by accident.

The World Wide Web as we know it was really born in 1991, and the first adopters of the technology were the military and universities. Early in 1992, a friend of mine working over in the university main building invited me over to see something. What I witnessed was actually the first internet communication that I had seen, using a bulletin board to send messages to another university in the US. I couldn't quite get my head around what was happening, but was fascinated.

A couple of months later, I was in on holiday in the UK and visited a friend of mine, George, in Leominster, who had an antiques business with very expensive furniture. It was recession time in the UK and he was telling me how hard it was for his business at that time, especially as the Americans were his market.
I then rather foolishly tried to explain to him that I had seen something called the Internet and that I understood that the Americans were beginning to use for commercial advertising.

What I was proposing to him was that I would take some pictures and descriptions of his furniture and go back to Muscat and try to put up a website. The explanation went totally over his head and he said that he didn't know what I was talking about, but go ahead if you think it will help.

I, of course, didn't have a clue how to put up a website and began to panic. I went all around London trying to find a book about the internet, but more specifically about making websites. I finally found one by an American author called Laura Lemay. So armed with the book, photos and some text, I headed back to Muscat to see what I could do.

By today's standards, you would hardly call it a website, but gradually it came together. There was, in fact, very little that you could do, as there were very few tags (for those of you who understand HTML) and the site was just wall-to-wall text with the odd photo thrown in. Reasonable layout and colour were impossible - everything was just black text on a grey background. I quickly found out that the photos had to be small in size, as Internet connections were very slow in those early years, which is hardly the best way to display antique furniture.

Anyway, despite the small images, my efforts were richly rewarded, as my friend was called by various American antique dealers within days of the site going live, and he had visits from dealers as a result of the website. There were very few internet competitors out there then, and a UK antiques business site aimed at Americans was a perfect match. Mind you, how those dealers found the site is still a mystery to me, as there were also no search engines then either.

George didn't begin to understand what had happened or how it had worked, and frankly he didn't care, as it was the results that mattered to him. It saved his business basically. o he phoned me and asked me if I could do the same for some of his antique dealer friends. My second website was about 'grandfather clocks' and the third was for 'fourposter beds'.

So, there was I in the Middle East, putting together websites for British businesses and uploading them to American servers. I knew that life had changed forever, and decided that it was a future that I would be interested in developing.

In 1996, I returned to the UK to start a business in web design and I set up a business called Dorset Web, which I eventually sold to my business partner. I've just had a look and it is still an active site - hey, I love it (well done, Tony).

I stopped counting when I got to 2000 websites (which was about four years ago) that I have been involved in developing.

In many ways the internet is one of the most challenging businesses you can be involved in, because it is constantly changing.

My son, who was just one year old when I put up that first website, is now finishing university this year and communicates with me via Skype and Facebook - what an amazing change in lifestyle. One of my colleagues,

Rob, who seems to have worked with me forever and does most of the practical technical stuff for me these days, was seven years old when I put up that antique site (pun intended).

But the internet changes just go on and on, and only yesterday I was looking at a new bit of technology that I think we should be adopting on Adam's site. I think I sometimes make Adam dizzy with all things I'm wanting to do, but I am well aware of the problem that you really do need to stay ahead of the curve with a technology that is moving on so fast.

It was a major shift for me from nursing to a business running the Internet but the important thing is that I have loved both careers just as much as each other. At least with this business I do not need to retire now, and I'm glad about that as I just love this work and for sure I know will keep my brain active.

What I like about working with Adam and other therapists is that I am able to combine my interest in health with all this Internet techy stuff. A healthy, sorted-out mind is the most powerful driving force to a healthy lifestyle and life success.

So, to mark 20 years, with Adam's permission, we are going to celebrate by MAKING AN OFFER THAT IS BETTER THAN ANY WE HAVE EVER MADE IN THE PAST - EXCLUSIVELY TO OUR ADAM UP READERS.

Enjoy, and here's to the next 20 years - I wonder what they will bring?


Self Hypnosis Seminars
Joke of the week:

A young girl started work in the village chemist shop. She was very shy about having to sell condoms to the public. The owner was going on holiday for a couple of days and asked if she would be willing to run the shop on her own. She had to confide in him her worries about selling the contraceptives.

"Look," he said. "My regular customers dont ask for condoms, they'll ask for a 310 [small] a 320 [medium] or a 330 [large]. The word condom won't even be used."

The first day was fine but on the second day a very tall, muscular man came in to the shop, put out his hand and said "350"....            

The girl panicked. She phoned the owner on his mobile and told him of her predicament.

" Go back in and check if he has a yellow bucket hanging between his legs" her boss told her.

She peeped through the door and saw the yellow bucket hanging between his legs. "Yes "!!!! she said " He's got one hanging there"....!

The boss said "Go back in and give him £3-50......................He's the Window cleaner"!!!!!!!

Hahahaha, I really enjoyed that one. Big thanks (again) to Ruth on the current intensive diploma course for sending me that one in.  Thank you everyone who sends me the jokes each week, they really brighten my days.
Hypnosis In The News And Articles of Note:

Each week, I will point out if hypnosis has been in the news at all, and highlight some of my favourite articles that may also interest you if you are interested in the fields of hypnosis, therapy or self-hypnosis, or things that just made me laugh greatly. Get in touch if you spot anything that you think is worth reading or an article that you wrote that you fancy sharing with readers of this ezine:

If you encounter anything or have written anything yourself that you think my readers would enjoy, then get in touch and we may well feature it here.

How To Use Hypnosis Effectively
Adam's Notices:
Did you know I am in the throes of running 5 marathons in consecutive weeks?

Want to follow my training progress and understand how I use hypnosis to help with it? Come read my Hypnosis For Running blog:  

My final marathon is this coming Sunday in Edinburgh (at least until my sixth one in September)

Anyone wanting to join, or if you would like to sponsor my marathon efforts, then visit my charity page and read all about it:
My Charity Page

If you go to my facebook fan page  you can get a free hypnosis programme just by clicking a button.

You'll notice in the seminars and training section of the website, I have added a page about networking events for hypnotherapists. Our next peer support group has a world renowned speaker, and we have a date for our next fun-filled Hypnosis Geek Dinner, both of which are virtually free to attend. So do go and have a good look at that page if you are a hypnotherapist or have an interest in the field of hypnosis.

If you want to train to be a hypnotherapist, there has never been a better time, we are thriving in this economic climate!
If you'd like to train, check out here for a course prospectus, dates and application form for this year's diploma, fully approved and accredited in several countries...

The spaces are going at some pace right now though...

My training school is one of a few in the UK to currently offer the externally verified HPD (Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma) which matches government occupational standards and is the equivalent of National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 4.

Learn Self-Hypnosis! We have new dates for my self-hypnosis one day seminar . They also carry with them Continued Professional Development (CPD) credits with the GHR and NCH here in the UK if you are a member of either. The seminars have been fully booked up this year and we are offering these extra dates in response to popular demand. Go and visit the self-hypnosis seminar page on the website.

Please remember to tell friends, family, colleagues and anyone else you know how they can receive Adam Up each week and let them know that they get a free hypnosis session, a five day personal development course and a 50,000 word eBook 'The Happy Brain Manual', when they register from my homepage.

If you are on Twitter, I publish some absolute gold material if you are interested in the fields of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis, do come and follow me: http://twitter.com/adameason

Do come and join us in the members area if you wish to discuss any element of this week's Adam Up or the usual subjects of hypnosis, self-hypnosis and much more. There's over 60 hours of free audio material, hundreds of articles to read, and lots of free eBooks too. You get massive savings on all my audio programmes in there too.

Our Platinum Section is revamped and relaunched and now has many hours of training and tuition video from my diploma course, go have a read about it.

I'll be back next week ....  In the meantime, enjoy lulling yourself to sleep well this week...   I thank you for reading ....  Goodbye for now.


Train As A Clinical Hypnotherapist Qualifiers from 10 month course
A few of the qualifiers from the
10 Month Course recently completed
I'll be back next week ... In the meantime, enjoy developing your skills at getting to sleep this week ... I thank you for reading...Goodbye for now.