**, - CELEBRATION Weekend Offer And Video .... **

Published: Thu, 04/28/11

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Dear ,
Big event here tomorrow in the UK - guess you will have heard wherever you are in the world. In the spirit of the celebrations that will be going on this weekend I have set up a Special Offer to run until Monday.
Also this is a video edition of Adam Up taking a look at the MIND-BODY LINK.
Also check out Adam Up for details about the following:
  • NEW  Three new products in Tom Smith's Overcome Addiction range of products.
  • NEW  DATES FOR INTENSIVE HYPNOTHERAPY COURSE 2012 - Get in touch with us this week and get an early bird discount.  Why not train for a new lucrative career?
  • Are You A Hypnotherapist? - Check out news about a Magical Inductions Seminar in Bournemouth in May 2011 - run by Adam Eason and James Brown
  • 6 Month Free Inner Circle Membership - for any purchase from our Hypnotic Selling Store we off a bonus of 6 Months Bronze Membership of Adam's Inner Circle!
  • The Hypnotic Selling Store is growing with products about Golf by Hypnotherapist Andrew Fogg and three products by Sophie Nicholls, and overcoming addiction by Tom Smith. There are also musical tracks for use in hypnosis sessions - music composed by Bill Marten.
  • Sophie Nicholls is also co-tutor with Adam in the hypnotherapy diploma course being run in York later this year.
For further information about all these items please go to the Adam Up Ezine. 

Kindest Regards,

Keith Watson
PS: I welcome you Skypeing me when you see that I am online to answer any questions about our products and services. I can even take your orders direct and will make sure that any coupon code discounts are applied. My Skype ID is keithaw2k1